Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rapidly Approaching!

It's hard to believe that the 2012 BMDCA National Specialty is a mere two weeks away! I'm excited to be serving once again as the Welcome Book, Newsletter and BLOG editor for the national - I will be posting results each evening (or very early the next morning) as soon as the next days newsletter has been completed.

My hope is that for those of you who aren't able to attend in person this year you might be able to live a little vicariously through this blog!

Looking forward to keeping everyone informed.

Carrie Roos

1 comment:

  1. Preliminary post of TRACKING RESULTS Monday, May 7th, Gettysburg, PA.
    The weather was cool, 60s, overcast with a bried morning light shower, Grass was nearly knee high.. and the ground was firm but danp. SIX TD entries PASSED... and 2 of the 3 TDX dogs also Passed.
    Detailas will be posted later with names of dogs, and owners.
    The trial was a GREAT SUCCESS.. thanks to all the Tracklayers and other workers who spent Sunday and Monday making sure that all the tracks were put in and READY for the DOGS.
